About Pocket Soft, Inc.

Headquarted in Houston, Texas, Pocket Soft is the leading provider of binary update systems. Founded in 1987, Pocket Soft initially focused on operating systems for hand-held computers and industrial devices. This work involved solving memory management problems at the programmer level.

It led to the creation of an industry-leading memory management linker. .RTLinkPlus, a "high-end" programming tool, provides an alternative to DOS extenders and avoids incompatibility problems associated with their use.

.RTLinkPlus was release-intensive, and our original patching system was used by our tech support group. Among our users were most of the large software and hardware vendors. They expressed an interest in using the patching technology for their own users. By accident, Pocket Soft got a living test laboratory that money couldn't buy. The Professional series came to the market providing new technology in a highly stable product.

Pocket Soft has now specialized in this niche. We plan to provide .RTPatch® Professional for all major PC, workstation, midrange, and mainframe platforms. Research on new versions of the core updating technology is expected to yield new major functional upgrades and new related products.

.RTPatch® is routinely used by IBM, Microsoft, Novell, and many other hardware and software companies to update commercially distributed software. It is also widely used by corporations and governments to update internally distributed programs and data.

.RTPatch® Professional is sold direct by Pocket Soft; we provide self-installing free evaluation copies with free technical support, if requested.

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